Saturday, August 31, 2019
Psychotherapy identify Essay
In this paper I will let you see, how in my view the classic psychoanalysis is intimately linked to the premises of the existential phenomenological approaches of the psychotherapy conjuncture. I shall start by one of the pillars supported by Ricoeur: heideggerian ontology. The existential phenomenological approaches in psychotherapy identify themselves with the notion of that Dasein which even before it comprehends it is already there, launched into the world. This openness embodied by the Dasein where it falls from its inner self presupposes a frustrating aloofness that is it is not the intra-mundane entities that frustrate the being there; it is the world as â€Å"mundaneness†that frustrates the Dasein, it is the very being in the world that is frustrating, for it is alone, all by itself, it ek-siste strangely in a world where it does not belong, but an uprooting instead. The triad situation – comprehension – interpretation follows a logic that extends to the therapeutic space, but as contended by Ricoeur, man has not one situation only; he has and lives in a world. Always launched into, he will have to turn awareness into a task. The long path followed by Ricoeur seems to us to be clearly linked to the room for two where knowledge itself becomes a task, of, shall we say, an interception of texts that cross themselves. But let us move on, on a step by step basis. The opposition between dialogue and text. By explaining his textual paradigm, Ricoeur makes it easier for us to understand the importance of language itself, or preferably, the importance of the linguistics of the discourse on which the therapeutic relationship is based. Let us see, then. The main issue of discourse has to do with a distance that translates itself in the event – meaning dialectic. The four features distinguishing this linguistics from discourse are indeed a good description of the therapeutic space: it occurs over time; someone speaks and by speaking he is describing, expressing a world; by expressing himself he does it in front of someone else. These four issues are inherent in the intra-subjective relation. Besides, I should stress that is not the transitory nature of human language that weights more but as upheld by the theory of acts and speech, it is what remains said that enables to create a meaning for the events of the speech. The different levels (locutionary, illocutionary and perlocutionary) translate the recording of speech as acts that have a real impact on people’s actions, influencing them emotionally and at the cognitive and inter-relational levels. The difference between language and discourse lays basically on the possibility for the latter to become an important event because of the fact that distancing from what has been said confers a meaning to it. The theory of the acts of speech seems to stress the concerns of Brunner’s cultural psychology which does not discard the relationship between what people say and what they do. This dialectic may open up a privileged way for the meaning of human experience, for the action situated in the world. This relationship between say and do has direct implications upon the therapeutic space. What is spoken within the intersubjectivity of dialogue bears undoubtedly a relational mark of the order of what has been said of the theory of acts of speech marking and pinpointing a path that is inherent and restricted to the relationship between both subjects, but which is also related to the world expressed in the narration and its characters. Language perceived as a discourse has an exponential effect upon the relationship; the propositions go beyond themselves and beyond the strictly prepositional act; they mark and define the room for the happening lying between two subjects. Thoughts, cognitions, emotions, dreams and illusions stake out a path as if they were riveted to specific points of time relational space, as if they were a text fixed by writing.
Friday, August 30, 2019
HR Roles and Responsibilities Essay
Human Resource is a field that has attained reasonable and due attention by many leading firms in recent times. Human Resource has been recognized as an important factor for achieving success in the global arena and in gaining a competitive advantage in the industry. Many leading firms put special importance on the behavior of their work force playing an important role in the success of the organization. To maintain this they have planned and organized their human resource function in such a manner that it provides them a competitive advantage in the industry they operate. If we talk about Human Resource Management which has been a dedicated field for improving Human Resource function of any organization puts special emphasis on certain important aspects to be taken care of regarding the employee to achieve success in formulating a successful Human Resource department. These factors are the compensation plans and strategies, Reward and incentives plan, Training and trainability of the employees, Hiring and Recruiting and Future or career development plans (Mathis and Jackson, 2007). All these factors play a strong role and go side by side in the formulation of a competitive Human Resource Department. Human Resource has recently achieved a huge amount of success due to the realization of its importance in the organizational environment. It has been identified as a competitive advantage by some of the organizations due to the importance of Human Resource in the related industry. Human Resource Management has also changed its shape according to the trends in the World and the factors that drive change. These factors include Globalization, Technology, Diversity, and Ethics. All these factors go side by side as the business spreads due to these factors (Dessler, 2007). Globalization has been due to the technological advancements and because of which diversity increases and more ethics related situations arise in an organization. The work of human resource at one hand increases due to globalization, diversity and ethics but on the other hand Technology helps them to resolve these issues. There have been recent trends of using more and more technological equipment in the Human Resource processes. The major work of the Human Resource is to provide the organization with quality people that become the work force of the organization. In this paper we would concentrate on two functions of the Human Resource Department and how they have changed according to the trends of the human society and development of Humans. First we would discuss induction which is a very common practice in the current scenario of any organization. Induction is basically the first step in which an employee gets to know about his or her workplace environment. This covers each and every activity that helps the employee in adapting to the environment and people around him at his or her workplace. Induction can also be termed as the process of building a relationship between the employee and the organization the nature of this relationship is of a two way communication process (French, 2006). Starting on a new position and with a new organization can be a process which might take some time for the employee and the organization to get settled with. There are many new things that need to be understood and get familiar with these include fellow employees, supervisors and managers to interact, entirely new processes that need to be understood and followed, new offices and buildings that are required to be navigated, learning to work on new software, new and unknown employment environment to understand and new tasks to learn. This transition or all the above mentioned activities are made easier and more effective for the new employee as well as for the employer if the induction schemes in the organization are effective and efficient (Mathis and Jackson 2007). There are obviously costs for implementing effective and efficient induction schemes but the benefits are more far reaching and long lasting if a comparison of both costs and benefits are made. Induction is a process that has been recently added in the organizational hiring and recruiting process by the Human Resource function. There was no concept of induction some 15 to 20 years back. As organizations tend to realize the importance of working environment, which factors affect the performance of an employee and the importance of organizational culture induction has been the solution or the bridge to reduce the gap between an employee and its surroundings in a new environment (Ivancevich, 2009). This not only helps the employee in speeding up the level of his performance in the organization but also reduces the time to know different people around the organization. Performance Appraisal is another important task that needs to be completed by the Human Resource Department. This task requires a great amount of analyzing and insight on the work an employee has been doing. The employee performance is not the only criterion that is considered while creating performance appraisals. Other aspects such as employee’s attitude towards his or her job, how he or she behaves with the colleagues and other aspects such as absenteeism and the following of ethics in the work environment are also criteria that need to be studied while making performance appraisals. All this is not an easy task as studying qualitative aspects of an employee and evaluating them becomes a very difficult task to do. Apart from that employee performance can only be evaluated through the direct supervisor or manager who the employee reports to (Mondy, 2007). This can bring in to play the personal feelings and impression of the supervisor or manager under which the employee works and can create biasness in the evaluation process. Apart from this judging behaviors and attitude is another complicated task. Performance Appraisals have now included a great amount of technological tools to be used for helping in this process. Organizations have online forms for employees, which reduces the time to gather data about the performance of an employee and even retrieving it hence helping in quick appraisals and employee satisfaction of his or her performance. Not only it has reduced time but also made the procedure very effective than before helping in the work of the Human Resource Department. To conclude this paper I would like to mention the fact that all the trends and advancements in the field of human resource management have helped the organizations in making the function more effective and efficient. Some organizations proudly say that their Human Resource department is the competitive edge they have in the industry. Especially in the IT industry it is very important to maintain a effective and efficient Human Resource Department due to the fact that it can provide competitive advantage to the organization.
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Lipman Bottle Company Essay
Synopsis Lipman Bottle Company, the leading bottle distribution company in Albany, New York started distributing bottles of large bottle manufacturers on 1909. From then on, they started to adapt to the changes in the bottling industry such as the use of plastics, which prove to be profitable on their end. They grab the opportunity to distribute and print bottles with different shapes and sizes for clients who liked the convenience of their dual services. Their track record became unstable when the US economy got worse and competitors opted to cut prices of their products. Robert Lipman, the vice president of the company, realized that they have no choice but to cut prices as well so they can keep up the competition. However, he was unsure on how to cut the prices or what products he must cut so that they could survive the economic downfall. He also stated that one way to keep the business going was if they could spread their distribution to pharmaceutical and cosmetics manufacturers. Statement of the Problem What pricing must Lipman Bottle Company adapt in order to achieve the goal of 30% margin? Objectives The objective of the case study is to determine the correct pricing that Lipman Bottle Company must adapt to ensure that they would continue to be profitable and achieve the company’s goal of reaching 30% margin. Analysis and Solution Variable costs were computed per 1,000 bottles were computed based on the different combinations given on the case. Tables 1-2 shows the variable costs for Albany while Tables 3-4 shows the variable costs for the New York-New Jersey market: Table 1. Variable costs of smaller size bottles for Albany Market Table 2. Variable costs of bigger size bottles for Albany Market Table 3. Variable costs of smaller size bottles for New York-New Jersey Market Table 4. Variable costs of bigger size bottles for New York-New Jersey Market After which, we derived the break even prices for each combinations and the recommended prices based on Mr. Lipman’s goal of 30% margin: Table 5. Break even prices for smaller size bottles, Albany Market Table 6. Break even prices for bigger size bottles, Albany Market Table 7. Break even prices for smaller size bottles, New Jersey-New York Market Table 8. Break even prices for bigger size bottles, New Jersey-New York Market How did the Mr. Lipman’s goal of a 30% margin at capacity affect your price recommendation? Comparing the increase and decrease of prices among three production scenarios, the 30% margin will reflect an increase of 23% on price from 1 separation to 2 separation round due to the addition in labor. Whereas, a projected decrease of 16% from 2 separation round to 2 separation oval because of the labor conversion to semi-automatic Table 9. Prices (with 30% mark up) for small bottles, Albany – Lower size (0-1 oz) Same principle follows when you refer to the table for big bottles. Table 10. Prices (with 30% mark up) for big bottles, Albany – Bigger size (17-32 oz) Table 11. Prices (with 30% mark up) for small bottles, New York-New Jersey – Small size (0-1 oz) Table 12. Prices (with 30% mark up) for bigger bottles, New York-New Jersey – Bigger size (17-32 oz) In spite of charging a higher price for 2 separation round, it may seem that it is more profitable with the New Jersey Higher Size with $105.37. But in reality, the $95.66 will have more profit compared to $105.37 because assuming that at 95.66 per unit, you multiply it with 100,000, which is the minimum production, you will still profit more because of the quantity. And to add, the cost of production is much lower compared to producing less like what was charged to New Jersey Higher Size with 5,000 – 9,999.
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Why did you choose seneca college to study Essay
Why did you choose seneca college to study - Essay Example Furthermore, what attracted me to the school initially, apart from the scholastic offerings that are therein available, was the fact that the college was seemingly perfectly position between the look and feel of a very large university and that of a more intimate setting. Both of these concepts appealed to me for differing reasons. Firstly, with respect to the look and feel of a large university, this provided the necessary stepping stone I require to acquaint myself with the full-scale university experience. Similarly, I am also attracted to the small university setting and/or feel due to the individualized attention and intimate settings that such an approach necessarily invokes. As a result of these factors and the needs that I have sought to fulfill within my own personal development as a student, I have selected Seneca College as it provides me with a means to satisfy each of the above determinants that I have listed as well as providing a superior education within the majors that are
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Easy Jet Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Easy Jet - Essay Example Suppliers: Suppliers play a major role in any business. The suppliers provide the right product, material or service on the right time. Suppliers in the airline industry need to be accurate and specific on the products and services required. The airlines which are already developed and working in the industry like Easyjet have relatively more power on the suppliers. However, the most critical supplies like the oil prices are highly depended on the cost which is determined by the political and economical issues prevalent in the country. Hence, the airlines and specifically Easyjet does not have any control over such supplies and their costs. Boeing and Airbus are the major suppliers of aircrafts in the industry up till now. This concentrated number of manufacturers gives the suppliers more power over the airline industry. Airbus and Boeing are the major suppliers of commercial planes in the industry. EasyJet is running the airline business using a single kind of aircraft. This factor limits its power over the suppliers as the prospects of high profits and sales from Easyjet are limited for the suppliers. However, if EasyJet moves towards expanding its operations and overall business expansion, it may have higher bargaining power over the supplies and services from the suppliers. ... The threat of substitutes is low due to the competitive advantage of timeliness and quick service of the airline industry. However, the existing competitors like RyanAir, are posing a threat to the success of EasyJet by offering discounts to increase sales, providing better and more comfortable services and so on. These competitors play a major role in deciding the future sales, business growth and decisions of the EasyJet. A change in the price or nature of services of one airline business places a burden on the other to provide equal or competing options to attract customers. Hence the analysis of competitors, their strategies, cost cutting ways and factors increasing sales are of paramount importance for EasyJet (Mayer 2003, pp. 9-11). Distributors of EasyJet mainly consist of Internet Booking System and Telephone reservation Systems. These two modes of distribution are easy, user-friendly and flexible for the customers. These modes can be accessed anywhere and with minimal time t o process their request. These distribution modes are technologically equipped and hence less chance of error or frauds are present. Since 90 percent of EasyJet’s sales is acquired through internet Booking systems, the business is highly dependent on it. This distribution channel may harm the business’s reputation if some error occurs within the electronic processing of requests. It is however justifiable to believe that these distributors of EasyJet’s services play a major role in the company’s cost-effective plans (Mayer 2003, pp. 9-11). EasyJet offers low cost airline services to its customers. The customers who opt for such low cost services are more price conscious.
The Political and Social Aspect of Business of The UN Global Compact Essay
The Political and Social Aspect of Business of The UN Global Compact - Essay Example The UN Global Compact (GC) is voluntary and the underlying objective is stated to be the introduction of social responsibility into international business and the code embodies ten core principles.In essence, the UN GC is a voluntary corporate citizenship network geared towards the mainstreaming business activity ethics worldwide and fuelling the preservation of UN human rights’ objectives within the international business framework (Macintosh et al, 2004 at p.11). Slaughter further observes the UN objectives in the GC in attempting to harmonize consistency in corporate social responsibility measures among UN organizations, international labor organizations, and NGOs to assist the creation of a â€Å"more inclusive and equitable marketplace,†(Slaughter, 2004: p.192).However, the GC does not impose sanctions or implement an enforcement framework and prima facie provides a system for facilitation and is not a regulatory instrument. Indeed, Macintosh et al highlight the f act that â€Å"the Global Compact relies on public accountability, transparency and the enlightened self-interest of companies †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦in pursuing the principles upon which the Global Compact is based†(Macintosh et al, 2004 p.11).In the absence of any regulatory code, Slaughter further refers to the UN’s assertion of information sharing requirements and the chief architect of the GC’s declaration that â€Å"the core of its change model is a learning forum. Companies submit case studies of what they have done to translate their commitment to the GC principles into concrete corporate practices†(Slaughter, 2004 at p.11) As such, there is an assumption that information sharing and self-regulation will facilitate human rights compliance.
Monday, August 26, 2019
Organisational Behaviour Management Annotated Bibliography
Organisational Behaviour Management - Annotated Bibliography Example The field of organisational behaviour ventures to explain and understand human behaviour in the context of an organisation. Griffin and Moorhead (2010) provided the definition of organisational behaviour as â€Å"the study of human behaviour in organisational settings, of the interface between human behaviour, and of the organisation itself†(p. 4). Hellriegel and Slocum (2007) explained the importance of studying organisational behaviour both for personal efficacy and organisational effectiveness. Hence, a working knowledge of organisational behaviour builds up the necessary competencies to achieve effectiveness on a personal and organisational level. Equipped with the essential competencies, employees, team leaders, manager, executives and any other member of an organisation can, therefore, contribute in their own little way to diagnose, understand, explain and act on emerging issues within the organisation as one cohesive unit. The LePine, Erez, and Johnson (2002) article is a meta-analysis which complements the three aforementioned articles, but extended the coverage of these three articles into the more-encompassing concept of organisational citizenship behaviour with such characteristics as altruism, civic virtue, conscientiousness, courtesy and sportsmanship. The articles of Brief and Weiss (2002) and Ashkanasy, Hartel, and Daus (2002) tackled similar affects of organisational behaviour: moods and emotions, and diversity and emotions, respectively.... A more profound understanding of moods, emotions and diversity will be instrumental in bringing out positive behaviour in the workplace. These two articles also demonstrated how a study of moods, emotions and diversity can foster positive and healthy working atmosphere. The Daus and Ashkanasy (2005) article is an important inclusion in this annotated bibliography on organisational behaviour management because an ability-based framework of emotional intelligence can help support the development of positive behaviours, organisational citizenship behaviour, and positive moods and emotions. Daus and Ashkanasy’s (2005) eloquent defence of their model against detractors buttressed the importance of emotional intelligence in organisational behaviour management, not just for leaders, but also for employees. The systematic review of Boudreau (2004) regarding organisational behavioural research revealed significant inputs about the progress of research in the various areas of organisati onal behaviour. The findings should serve as a guide for business and psychology researchers wanting to explore the virgin areas for scholastic inquiries, particularly in order to boost existing knowledge on positive organisational behaviour. Annotated Bibliography Research No. 1 REFERENCE Youssef, C. M. & Luthans, F. (2007). Positive organisational behaviour in the workplace: The impact of hope, optimism, and resilience. Journal of Management, 33(5), 774-800. AIM / PURPOSE The aim of the article was to detail the findings of the study which examined the relationship between the positive psychological resource capacities hope, optimism and resilience, and desired work-related employee outcomes; and how these psychological resources
Sunday, August 25, 2019
Describing how the civilizations were similar and how they differed Essay
Describing how the civilizations were similar and how they differed - Essay Example The civilizations extended and some areas developed dependently and together while the Chinese civilization developed independently (Schirokauer 24). Although there was some influence on the West’s cultures. In most cases, the Chines development occurred in the sections known as the dynasties. The dynasties were divided into three categories namely, early dynasty, imperial dynasties and end of ancient china. The Qin dynasty was established as a type of China civilization dynasties by Shi Huangti. The Qin dynasty can be also referred to as the China era. Shi conducted the wall destruction and established the Great Wall of China (Schirokauer 48). He also made travelling easy by building roads to improve the infrastructure of China. He fairly ruled the people and distributed lands. He also expanded his empire and its boundaries (Schirokauer 48). All this and among others are the development of civilization in the empire of Qin dynasty. The empire of Persian developed civilization in terms of classical civilization. The classical development of civilization in the Persian Empire. Succeed due to the cooperation of leaders in the empire. Several areas of economic activities were taxed 20 percent. Such activities are like religious institution, manufacturing and agriculture among others. The activities were the cause civilization development. Finally, civilization in the Empire of Macedon. The civilization development started in the year 1913. In this empire, the Greek community was powered and the stabilization of the area. Unlike other empires, Macedon has developed its civilization through development of the area. The mentioned empires above having their differences and similarities. In most cases, development in all the empires influenced the economic development of the area. On the other hand, each empire had a different style of developing
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Habermas Political Philosophy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5000 words
Habermas Political Philosophy - Essay Example The Habaermas discourse ethics theory attempts to elucidate the inference of communicative rationality in the light of moral basics and normative validation. This is an extremely intricate effort for theoretically formulating the fundamentals given by Kant’s deontological ethics particularly in terms of break-up of communicative structures. In other words it attempts to explain the universal nature as well as the obligatory nature of morality through inducing the universal obligation of communicative rationality. Habermas implies that the validity of the norms of morality is not justifiable in the mind of an individual and on his/her impression of the world. Rather the norm’s validity is totally dependent and possible when the process is subjected to argumentation among individuals; hence it is rather dialectic. In this manner the theory states that the â€Å"validity of a claim to normative rightness depends upon the mutual understanding achieved by individuals in an argument†(Habermas 1990). Habermas has from the above arguments deducted that the world’s moral principles are the result of validity claims through discursive justifications which have been imposed upon individuals by the presupposition of communication and argumentation. Some examples can be: The presupposition that there is no argument which is relevant that is excluded by the individuals involved in the discourse The presuppositions that that all the individuals that participate use the same manner of expression (linguistic and cultural) in the communicative exchange The presupposition that all the individuals who participate are truly motivated by a common concern for the best argument Besides the above, there are special and specific presuppositions that are unique to discourse: The presupposition that all the individuals should be agreeable on the universal validity of the claim in general The presupposition that each and every individual is fully capable to speak and act in a rational manner so as to make them eligible to participate; it also presupposes that all are equal to open new topics and introduce them into the discourse whether it is as an expression of attitude or desire or needs The presupposition that none of the validity claims are exempt from group's critical evaluation and argumentation in that regard In
Friday, August 23, 2019
How specific groups are represented in scripted television shows Essay
How specific groups are represented in scripted television shows - Essay Example It is important for such representation to adopt strategies that would help in the dismantling of misrepresentations, which have always been propagated with regard to some specific groups. Such specific groups could include gay groups, African Americans, women, immigrants, and others, which have attracted conflicting perspectives in the various attempts to access the inner patterns and rhythms of their world view. One potent illustration is the representation of the African American woman in â€Å"Awkward Black Girl†by Issa Rac (Christian, 2011). One of the underlying objectives of this show is to provide alternative portrayal of the African American woman. The creator emphasizes on the need to develop a product that would capture the real lives of the African Americans (Christian, 2011). She argues that the subject has been misrepresented in a variety of discourses across time and history. The aspect of creativity is equally important as it helps to instil the proper aesthet ics in the subject as portrayed in a completely new dimension. When properly represented, such strategies help in redeeming the special groups from the injustices of negative or inaccurate representations, which are mainly guided by misconceptions, stereotypes, and untruths as understood within the mentalities of the superior groups. Consistently, many special groups have lost favour in the cable television networks and must find alternative forms of media in order to reach their target audiences. Web series have become one of readily available and most resourceful solutions to such groups (Christian, 2010). However, this alternative features multiple opportunities and challenges. Web is slow and compares poorly to cable networks. As an alternative to cable television, web does not attract large audiences and does not have a determinate and visible physical presence on the market. By its very nature, it is fluid and variable, which denies it the advantage of stability and popularity . These same qualities also lock it out from lucrative segments of the market such as older audiences who are less likely to consume web-based products. Such audiences are conservative in nature are more likely to stick with the tried and tested methods (Siapera, 2010). Statistics from comparative analyses between web series and cable television show that the consumption of web series products is likely to correspond with the patterns of internet use. Past studies on internet usage have shown significant variations in the patterns and trends of internet consumption across the variables of gender, race, social status, levels of income, and other demographics that are to be found within the American population (Fourie, 2010; Hammer & Keller, 2009). Web has not built stable and reliable clientele that would shore up the ratings and performance of the upstart networks. Some media scholars have explained it as being at an evolutionary stage and that it may take some time for it to be emb raced wholly by larger segments of the society. Web is still a new invention in the media world and has not built reliable metrics that would help to even the odds faced by minority shows (Christian, 2010). Even then, web series remains some of the most convenient escapes onto the wider market by programs and shows run by minorities and which have been affected by structural and systematic challenges of survival. Studies have also shown that the web-based media
Thursday, August 22, 2019
Perception and intelligence Essay Example for Free
Perception and intelligence Essay Popular ideas of human development need revision to encompass the experience of older persons. In our too quick assumption that old age is a relentless downhill course, we ignore the potential of older persons for strength as well as for a richer emotional, spiritual, and even intellectual and social life than may be possible for the young. Overall physical health of the body plays critical role in determining the energies and adaptive capacities available to older people. They experience a great deal more acute and chronic disease than the younger population. If significant breakthroughs occur in research and treatment of diseases of the aged (heart disease, cancer, arthritis, chronic arteriosclerosis, and acute and brain syndromes), one can envision a very different kind of old age. Assuming adequate environmental supports, including proper nutrition, old age could become a time of lengthy good health with a more gentle and predictable decline. The Process of Becoming Old The kind of personality one carries into old age is a crucial factor in how one will respond to the experience of being old; personality traits produce individual ways of being old. But we will explore the general characteristics of old age and the changes that are fairly common to the aging population at least in the west particularly in the United States, which could also be attributable to other countries (Butler et al. , 1998). Physical changes: Some of the outward alterations experienced by older persons are graying of hair, loss of hair and teeth, elongation of ears and nose, loss of subcutaneous fat, particularly around the face, wrinkling of skin, fading of eyesight and hearing, postural changes, and a progressive structural decline that may result in a shortened trunk with comparatively long arms and legs. Not all of these changes happen to everyone-nor at the same rate. Recent researches have revealed that some or perhaps many of these changes are results of disease states that occur with greater frequency in late life and may be treatable, either by slowing the course of the disease or by preventing it entirely. The potential for life can be lengthened and enhanced, but mysterious flow of human existence from birth to death will prevail (Schaie Willis, 1996; Hurlock, 1982 Peterson, 1989). Although internal changes are not as readily observable as external ones, they are nevertheless are pronounced and as widespread. The muscles tend to become progressively less elastic over time. The most obvious consequence of diminished muscle tone is tiredness and decreased physical strength (Peterson, 1989). The density of our bones become more porous, brittle, fragile (Belsky, 1999) and are subject to fractures and breaks, which are increasingly slow to heal as age progresses (Hurlock, 1986). Internal organs go through a marked transformation. Atrophy is particularly marked by spleen, liver, testes, heart, lungs, pancreas, and kidneys. Perhaps the most marked change of all is in the heart and least and the last affected are the gastrointestinal tract, the urinary tract, and the smooth muscle organs. The senses: Vision and hearing become less sensitive with age. But most of this deterioration is cumulative, beginning early in life. The sensitivity of the other sense of taste, touch, smell and balance also decline with age, though the implications of these changes are generally less serious than for vision and hearing (Schaie Wills, 1996 Peterson, 1989). The motor system: The brain’s rate of electrical activity declines during old age and the conduction speed of the impulses along neuronal fibers throughout the body also decreases. There is slowing down in reaction time-the ability to quickly and accurately take action after a signal to respond appears- with age. It has three major components: sensory transmission time; motor execution time, and central processing time, which involves interpretation, decision, and association. The decreasing speed of processing information could account for many of the observed age differences in learning, memory, perception, and intelligence (Schaie Willis, 1996; Peterson, 1989; Belsky, 1999).
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Hunting and rio hondo Essay Example for Free
Hunting and rio hondo Essay In â€Å"For Environmental Balance, Pick Up a Rifle,†Nicholas D Kristof, a two time wining Pulitzer Prize winner, states in his thesis that there is a rapid overpopulation of deer destroying the ecosystem either by ruining land or spreading harmful disease. Throughout the rest of his essay, Kristof begins to talk about diseases the ticks on the deer may carry, such as Lyme’s disease; the state of New York and New Jersey wanting to provide a contraceptives for the animal, how some states are hiring companies to shoot deer, and how hunting is the greenest and most reliable way to solve this problem (183-85). Due to the rapid overpopulation of the deer, many cities, including my small hometown of Rio Hondo, face property damage as well as health issues, therefore I believe hunting should be encouraged. Growing up on a ranch in Rio Hondo, seeing deer and other wild game were a natural everyday part of life for citizens and I. It was not until I read Kristof’s essay that I began to realize that my family and other citizens living in Rio Hondo faced issues such as these on a daily basis but had just grown accustomed to it, which made it seem far less than it really is. For example, deer in fact do cause some major property damage! When I was about 15 years old, my father decided to redo our complete property line fence. He ordered the company he hired to remove our original ranch post and barb wired fence and install a metal high fence. When completed, the fence stood 6 feet tall. Shortly after installing the fence, we began to notice that there were holes being made along the bottom of the fence line. My father was outraged. He began installing trail cameras, which record when an animal pass by it day and night, to see if he could identify the cause of our problem, after all, our new gate was pretty costly. The trail cameras ran for weeks, recording deer, javalinas, bobcats, wild boars, and occasionally the odd nalgai passing through the holes in the fence. This began to make my father wonder if it were the pigs that were making the holes in the fence, until one day the trail camera at the far end of my parents ranch captured something I found to be hilarious! The camera showed a deer, digging under the fence line, tugging on the wire with its teeth, as well as kicking the fence from time to time. My mother, siblings, and I all started laughing. The deer looked like our dog Aggie when he would try getting under the covers in bed! My father, of course was not too happy seeing the animal destroy his fence. He knew there was nothing he could do, until deer season opened up anyhow. Once deer season rolled along, my father put my various tripods around the ranch and waited aimlessly to see the deer that was costing him money! This account was neither the first nor the only time that my parents have experienced property damage due to deer or other wild animals but it sure was the most memorable! As for health issues concerning deer, my mother’s fear has always been of ticks. Kristof states that besides killing people directly, these animals also carry ticks which may cause Lyme disease (183). I cannot tell you how many times I have pulled these little pests off of me after helping my father around the ranch! But honestly, I have yet to notice deer infested with ticks. When skinning a kill, I personally have witnessed more wild hogs infested with fleas and ticks rather than deer. To me, deer are much cleaner than any other animal I have skinned but again, that is just my own personal experience. Yes, occasionally after handling a kill I will have a few ticks around my wrist and the pockets of my fingers but it has become sort of a normal thing for me to encounter and I have just become accustomed to removing them and washing my hands with soap and rubbing alcohol. Thankfully I have yet to come across a tick with Lyme disease but if I were to, I highly doubt it would be from a deer but from a filthy javalina. When trying to solve problems such as ones with animals many big businesses want to hire companies to come shoot deer, as stated in Kristof’s essay (184). This is true! I have been a part of several of these events. Some let the hunter keep their kill while others must retrieve the animal where they discard of it â€Å"properly. †I approve of the situation when the companies let the hunter keep the deer because hunters usually skin the deer as well as cook and eat the animal, so nothing is left to waste, while some companies who require the deer be returned just dispose of the corpse. As my dad always told my siblings and I, â€Å"If you are not going to make use of it and skin it yourself, don’t shoot it! †Lastly, I’d really like to say, many people do not approve of young women using contraceptives what makes politicians think citizens are going to agree to giving contraceptives to deer? (184). To me, reading about this made me a bit angry. We call the outdoors mother nature for a reason. We should let nature run its course and find others ways, such as hunting, to solve the problem, not prescribing wild animals contraceptives! I mean, an $8,000 budget for animal contraceptives, really? (184). That is ridiculous. Being all too familiar with hunting wild game, I have come across many who disagree with the sport. Sure, it makes me angry when people say that I am an â€Å"animal killer†or ask me how I can do that to a defenseless animal but growing up my grandfather and father helped me realize that just because there are those who do not want to take part in the sport, does not mean there are not others who feel different about it. Another thing they taught me is being sensitive to those who disagree with the sport. When we leave the ranch after a hunting trip, I was taught to change my bloody clothing and wash up before going anywhere so that we do not offend anyone who disapproves. I believe this is one of the many ways to encourage a positive attitude towards hunters and the sport, to respect others. In conclusion, I know there are many who think hunting may not be the answer, but if you are willing to give it a shot, I encourage you. Hunting is a wonderful and exciting sport that may be one step closer to decreasing the overpopulation of wild animals as well as being memorable and relaxing (184). But always remember, not everything you come face to face with is meant to be shot. Choose your pick and like my father says, â€Å"Let it ride! †Work Cited Kristof, Nicolas D. â€Å"For Environmental balance, Pick Up a Rifle. †Current Issues and Enduring Questions: A Guide to Critical Thinking and Argument, with Readings. 9th ed. Ed. Sylvan Barnet and Hugo Bedau. Boston: Bedford, 2011. 183-85. Print.
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
Operations Management Of Customs Molds Commerce Essay
Operations Management Of Customs Molds Commerce Essay Custom Molds, Inc., manufactures custom-designed molds for plastic parts and produces custom-made plastic connectors for the electronics industry. Located in Tucson, Arizona, Custom Molds was founded by the father and son team of Tom and Mason Miller in 1975. Tom Miller, a mechanical engineer, had more than 20 years of experience in the connector industry with AMP, Inc., a large multinational producer of electronic connectors. Mason Miller had graduated from the University of Arizona in 1974 with joint degrees in chemistry and chemical engineering. The company was originally formed to provide manufacturers of electronic connectors with a source of high-quality, custom-designed molds for producing plastic parts. The market consisted mainly of the product design and development divisions of those manufacturers. Custom Molds worked closely with each customer to design and develop molds to be used in the customers product development processes. Thus, virtually every mold had to meet exacting standards and was somewhat unique. Orders for multiple molds would arrive when customers moved from the design and pilot-run stage of development to large-scale production of newly designed parts. As the years went by, Custom Molds reputation grew as a designer and fabricator of precision molds. Building on this reputation, the Millers decided to expand into the limited manufacture of plastic parts. Ingredient-mixing facilities and injection-molding equipment were added, and by the mid-1980s Custom Molds developed its reputation to include being a supplier of high-quality plastic parts. Because of limited capacity, the company concentrated its sales efforts on supplying parts that were used in limited quantities for research and development efforts and in pre-production pilot runs. Figure 3.13 Plant Layout PRODUCTION PROCESSES By 1985, operations at Custom Molds involved two distinct processes: one for fabricating molds and one for producing plastic parts. Although different, in many instances these two processes were linked, as when a customer would have Custom Molds both fabricate a mold and produce the necessary parts to support the customers RD efforts. All fabrication and production operations were housed in a single facility. The layout was characteristic of a typical job shop, with like processes and similar equipment grouped in various places in the plant. Figure 3.13 shows a schematic of the plant floor. Multiple pieces of various/ types of high-precision machinery, including milling, turning, cutting, and drilling equipment, were located in the mold-fabrication area. Fabricating molds is a skill-oriented, craftsman-driven process. When an order is received, a design team, comprising a design engineer and one of 13 master machinists, reviews the design specifications. Working closely with the customer, the team establishes the final specifications for the mold and gives them to the master machinist for fabrication. It is always the same machinist who was assigned to the design team. At the same time, the purchasing department is given a copy of the design specifications, from which it orders the appropriate raw materials and special tooling. The time needed to receive the ordered materials is usually three to four weeks. When the materials are received for a particular mold, the plant master scheduler reviews the workload of the assigned master machinist and schedules the mold for fabrication. Fabricating a mold takes from two to four weeks, depending on the amount of work the machinist already has scheduled. The fabrication process itself takes only three to five days. Upon completion, the mold is sent to the testing and inspection area, where it is used to produce a small number of parts on one of the injection molding machines. If the parts meet the design specifications established by the design team, the mold is passed on to be cleaned and polished. It is then packed and shipped to the customer. One day is spent inspecting and testing the mold and a second day cleaning, polishing, packing, and shipping it to the customer. If the parts made by the mold do not meet design specifications, the mold is returned to the master machinist for retooling and the process starts over. Currently, Custom Molds has a published lead time of nine weeks for delivery of custom-fabricated molds. The manufacturing process for plastic parts is somewhat different from that for mold fabrication. An order for parts may be received in conjunction with an order for a mold to be fabricated. ln instances where Custom Molds has previously fabricated the mold and maintains it in inventory, an order may be just for parts. If the mold is already available, the order is reviewed by a design engineer, who verifies the part and raw material specifications. If the design engineer has any questions concerning the specifications, the customer is contacted and any revisions to specifications are mutually worked out and agreed upon. Upon acceptance of the part and raw material specifications, raw material orders are placed and production is scheduled for the order. Chemicals and compounds that support plastic-parts manufacturing are typically ordered and received within one week. Upon receipt, the com- pounds are first dry-mixed and blended to achieve the correct composition. Then the mixture is wet-mixed to the desired consistency (called slurry) for injection into molding machines. When ready, the slurry is transferred to the injection molding area by an overhead pipeline and deposited in holding tanks adjacent to the injection machines. The entire mixing process takes only one day. When the slurry is staged and ready, the proper molds are secured from inventory or from the clean and polish operation if new molds were fabricated for the order and the parts are manufactured. Although different parts require different temperature and pressure settings, the time to produce a part is relatively constant. Custom Molds has the capacity to produce 5,000 parts per day in the injection-molding department; historically, however, the lead time for handling orders in this department has averaged one week. Upon completion of molding, the parts are taken to the cut and trim operation, where they are disconnected and leftover flashing is removed. After being inspected, the parts may be taken to assembly or transferred to the packing and shipping area for shipment to the customer. If assembly of the final parts is not required, the parts can be on their way to the customer two days after being molded. Sometimes the final product requires some assembly. Typically, this entails attaching metal leads to plastic connectors. If assembly is necessary, an additional three days is needed before the order can be shipped. Custom Molds is currently quoting a three-week lead time for parts not requiring fabricated molds. THE CHANGING ENVIRONMENT ln early 1991, Tom and Mason Miller began to realize that the electronics industry they supplied, along with their own business, was changing. Electronics manufacturers had traditionally used vertical integration into component-parts manufacturing to reduce costs and ensure a timely supply of parts. By the late 1980s, this trend had changed. Manufacturers were developing strategic partnerships with parts suppliers to ensure the timely delivery of high-quality, cost-effective parts. This approach allowed funds to be diverted to other uses that could provide a larger return on investment. The impact on Custom Molds could be seen in sales figures over the past three years. The sales mix was changing. Although the number of orders per year for mold fabrication remained virtually constant, orders for multiple, molds were declining, as shown in the following table: Number of orders Order size Molds 1988 Molds 1989 Molds 1990 1 80 74 72 2 60 70 75 3 40 51 55 4 5 6 5 5 3 5 4 6 4 8 5 7 2 0 1 8 10 6 4 9 11 8 5 10 15 10 5 TOTAL ORDERS 230 238 231 The reverse was true for plastic parts, for which the number of orders per year had declined but for which the order sizes were becoming larger, as illustrated in the following table: Number of orders Order size Parts 1988 Parts 1989 Parts 1990 50 100 93 70 100 70 72 65 150 40 30 35 200 36 34 38 250 25 27 25 500 10 12 14 750 1 3 5 1000 2 2 8 3000 1 4 9 5000 1 3 8 TOTAL ORDERS 286 280 277 During this same period Custom Molds began having delivery problems. Customers were complaining that parts orders were taking four to five weeks instead of the stated three weeks and that the delays were disrupting production schedules. When asked about the situation, the master scheduler said that determining when a particular order could be promised for delivery was very difficult. Bottlenecks were occurring during the production process, but where or when they would occur could not be predicted. They always seemed to be moving from one operation to another. Tom Miller thought that he had excess labor capacity in the mold-fabrication area. So, to help push through those orders that were behind schedule, he assigned one of the master machinists the job of identifying and expediting those late orders. However, that tactic did not seem to help much. Complaints about late deliveries were still being received. To add to the problems, two orders had been returned recently because of the number of defective parts. The Millers knew that something had to be done. The question was What? Questions 1. What are the major issues facing Tom and Mason Miller? 2. Identify the individual processes on a flow diagram. What are the competitive priorities for these processes and the changing nature of the industry? 3. What alternatives might the Millers pursue? What key factors should they consider as they evaluate these alternatives? Source: Krajewski Ritzman, Operations Management, 6th Edition Summary Custom Molds was founded by a father and son team in 1987 to provide high quality, custom-designed molds for manufacturers of electronic connectors, but later expanded into the production of plastic parts for the industry. In recent years, the changing environment of the electronics industry had a profound impact on the way Custom Molds conducts its business and manufacturing processes. The changing sales mix, coupled with delivery and quality problems, prompted the company to revise its business strategies to address the following issues: 1) Changing trends in the electronics manufacturing industry that caused changes in customer order needs 2) Unpredictable bottlenecks in the production environment 3) Quality issues resulting in defective parts 4) Delivery times 1. Major Issues Question 1 What are the major issues facing Tom and Mason Miller? 1.1 Changing Trends There were several issues facing the owners of the company. Firstly, the major issue is the electronics industry was changing in that manufacturers were developing strategic partnerships that allowed the delivery of high quality and cost effective parts. Also, the nature of their business had shifted in that the mix of sales had changed with the number of multiple orders declining and the demand for plastic parts increasing (Krajewski Ritzman, 2007). In comparing with mold fabrication and plastic part (see appendix), it is clear that plastic parts has a higher potential sales than mold fabrication on a larger order size. This will allow Tom and Mason to think whether it is best to eliminate mold fabrication and focus on more towards plastic parts because of the changing environment. 1.2 Production Process Issues faced by Custom Molds Inc.: à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ The delivery times on parts order were taking four to five weeks instead of the stated three weeks. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Number of defective products was on the rise. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Bottlenecks increased in the production process. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Changing strategies within their clients business needs changed order needs in an unexpected way. There are two distinct processes taking place in the same facility and each process serves different customer needs. Below is the analysis of each the processes (Mold Fabrication and Parts Manufacturing) along with recommendations for the same. 1. MOLD FABRICATION PROCESS: Mold fabrication is the core business of Custom Mold Inc., and the recommended process is shown in Exhibit 1. Mold Fabrication requires flexibility and quality; hence concept of Job Shop must be applied to streamline the process. Following are the Recommendations to do the same. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ LAYOUT: Similar equipment or function must be grouped together and the layout of the equipment must be designed so as to minimize the material handling, cost and work in process inventories. Digital numerically controlled equipment should be used as it gives flexibility to change set-ups on the various machines quickly. This will allow Custom Mold Inc. to compete on quality, speed, customization and new product introduction. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ STANDARDIZATION: To identify and eliminate bottlenecks, Custom Mold Inc must standardize all processes. This means that every task, every job, every event must be approached the same way each time it occurs. This includes a standard way of engineering, workholding, manufacturing and shipping. With standard processes, it will become easier to identify which areas are profitable and which are not. This will enable Custom Molds Inc to look t areas, which have the most variables and make them less variables. For example Fixturing / Workinholding is one of the biggest variables in every shop. In a year that has 8,760 hours, we spend 2,200 to provide high quality, custom-designed molds for manufacturers of electronic connectors, but later expanded into the production of plastic parts for the industry. In recent years, the changing environment of the electronics industry had a profound impact on the way Custom Molds conducts its business and manufacturing processes. The changing sales mix, coupled with delivery and quality problems, prompted the company to revise its business strategies to address to following issues: Custom Molds, Inc. was founded by a father and son team in 1987 to provide high à  µÃƒâ€˜Ã¢â‚¬ ° to provide quality, custom-designed molds for manufacturers of electronic connectors, but later expanded into the production of plastic parts for the industry. In recent years, the changing environment of the electronics industry had a profound impact on the way Custom Molds conducts its business and manufacturing processes. The changing sales mix, coupled with delivery and quality problems, prompted the company to revise its business strategies to address to following issues: 1) Changing trends in the electronics manufacturing industry that caused changes in clients order needs 2) Unpredictable bottlenecks in the production environment 3) Quality issues resulting in defective parts 4) Delivery times promised to clients were not met Analysis 1) Process Inefficiencies Some of the issues presented above resulted from inefficiencies in the two distinct processes taking place in the same production facility at Custom Molds, namely the Molds Fabrication process and the Parts Production process (Exhibit 1a and b). The two processes serve different customer needs. Mold fabrication, a skill oriented and craftsman-driven process, requires flexibility and quality. Parts manufacturing, on the other hand, involves a more standardized process that competes on delivery and low cost. The margin for parts is also much smaller. In the mold fabrication process, the time needed to receive the ordered materials for each fabrication is usually 3-4 weeks. Only after the materials are received does the plant master scheduler review the workload of the assigned master machinist and schedule the mold for fabrication. The idle time between these two steps in the process significantly affects the lead time for delivery of custom-fabricated molds. The fabrication of a mold takes two to four weeks, depending on the amount of work the machinist already has scheduled,
A Stranger is Watching Essay -- essays papers
A Stranger is Watching In novels there are many literary devices that an author may use. Suspense is one that is used to grab the reader’s attention and keep reading. Mary Higgins Clark demonstrates suspense throughout her novel, A Stranger Is Watching by giving only so much information then she will direct your attention to something else so the reader keeps reading. Some suspenseful scenes that the author demonstrates in the novel are when an intruder is in the Peterson home and is pointing a gun at Sharon’s head, another is when Sharon is in the kidnapper’s car and cleverly puts her ring in the seat so maybe someone would find it, and when Mrs. Perry comes to the Peterson home and tells everyone that she knows the voice of the kidnapper. When Sharon and Neil are home alone at the Peterson home waiting for Mr. Peterson to arrive home from work someone rings the doorbell. Neil then scrambles for the door thinking that it was his father and is stopped by Sharon telling him to ask who it is because his father would have his key. The stranger on the other side of the d...
Monday, August 19, 2019
The Little Prince Essay -- Art Literature Papers
The Little Prince In "Art as Technique" Russian formalist Viktor Shklovsky introduces defamiliarisation as a literary device to help readers regain our sensation of things, which we have become unaware of, as our perception gets automatised through habitualisation (Shklovsky, 20). Shklovsky then goes on to engage in a discussion of the methodologies employed in creating the effect of defamiliarisation, treating defamiliarisation as purely a technique of art. However this may be an oversimplification of the concept of defamiliarisation, which is based upon certain principles of perception, and perception is in turn a central component of social cognition. Hence, it is the aim of this paper to explore the relations between the effect of defamiliarisation and the social cognitive elements of perception. Through the use of Antoine de Saint-Exupà ©ry's The Little Prince, the defamiliarisation effect can be explained by the non-conformation of its elements of discourse, namely genre, character filter, soci al setting and the use of poetic language, to the cognitive structures of prototypes, schemas and heuristics held by the adult reader. For those who are unfamiliar with the story of The Little Prince, this narrative depicts the adventures of a little prince from a distant star as he embarks on a journey to six other planets. He finds, isolated on each planet, a king with only a rat as his subject, a conceited man, a drinker, a business man who own stars, a lamplighter forever lighting and extinguishing a single street lamp, and a geographer who does not explore his own planet. Finally the little prince makes his way to Earth, where he meets a fox and learns to tame it. Upon roaming about the desert, the little prince chances upon ... ...ation, however, is that it is subjective, depending on the type of reader of the narrative, as well as the social context which the reader is socialised into. Hence, while The Little Prince is able to create a defamiliarising effect on its adult readers, it may or may not be able to defamiliarise its children readers using the same elements of discourse. Works Cited Howard, Judith A. "Social Cognition". Sociological Perspectives on Social Psychology. Massachussetts: Allyn & Bacon. 1995. 90-117. Neale, Stephen. "Expectation and Verisimilitude". Excerpted from "Questions of Genre". Film Genre Reader II. Ed. Barry Keith Grant. Austin: U of Texas P. 1995. 159-183. Saint-Exupà ©ry, de Antoine. The Little Prince. London: Penguin, 1998. Shklovsky, Victor. "Art as Technique". Modern Criticism and Theory: A Reader. Ed. David Lodge. Harlow: Longman, 1988. 15-30. The Little Prince Essay -- Art Literature Papers The Little Prince In "Art as Technique" Russian formalist Viktor Shklovsky introduces defamiliarisation as a literary device to help readers regain our sensation of things, which we have become unaware of, as our perception gets automatised through habitualisation (Shklovsky, 20). Shklovsky then goes on to engage in a discussion of the methodologies employed in creating the effect of defamiliarisation, treating defamiliarisation as purely a technique of art. However this may be an oversimplification of the concept of defamiliarisation, which is based upon certain principles of perception, and perception is in turn a central component of social cognition. Hence, it is the aim of this paper to explore the relations between the effect of defamiliarisation and the social cognitive elements of perception. Through the use of Antoine de Saint-Exupà ©ry's The Little Prince, the defamiliarisation effect can be explained by the non-conformation of its elements of discourse, namely genre, character filter, soci al setting and the use of poetic language, to the cognitive structures of prototypes, schemas and heuristics held by the adult reader. For those who are unfamiliar with the story of The Little Prince, this narrative depicts the adventures of a little prince from a distant star as he embarks on a journey to six other planets. He finds, isolated on each planet, a king with only a rat as his subject, a conceited man, a drinker, a business man who own stars, a lamplighter forever lighting and extinguishing a single street lamp, and a geographer who does not explore his own planet. Finally the little prince makes his way to Earth, where he meets a fox and learns to tame it. Upon roaming about the desert, the little prince chances upon ... ...ation, however, is that it is subjective, depending on the type of reader of the narrative, as well as the social context which the reader is socialised into. Hence, while The Little Prince is able to create a defamiliarising effect on its adult readers, it may or may not be able to defamiliarise its children readers using the same elements of discourse. Works Cited Howard, Judith A. "Social Cognition". Sociological Perspectives on Social Psychology. Massachussetts: Allyn & Bacon. 1995. 90-117. Neale, Stephen. "Expectation and Verisimilitude". Excerpted from "Questions of Genre". Film Genre Reader II. Ed. Barry Keith Grant. Austin: U of Texas P. 1995. 159-183. Saint-Exupà ©ry, de Antoine. The Little Prince. London: Penguin, 1998. Shklovsky, Victor. "Art as Technique". Modern Criticism and Theory: A Reader. Ed. David Lodge. Harlow: Longman, 1988. 15-30.
Sunday, August 18, 2019
Conflicting Themes in The Poetry of W. B. Yeats Essay -- Literary Anal
In analysing the poetry of W.B. Yeats, I have come to understand the multiple conflicting themes and positions he presents in his poetry. However, my understanding has been influenced most by Yeats’s exploration of key conflicts in ageing along with political anarchy. These are conveyed respectively in the poems â€Å"Wild Swans at Coole†(1916) and â€Å"Leda and the Swan†(1923), using the central symbol of the swan. In â€Å"Wild Swans at Coole†, Yeats conveys the conflict within his heart; where he is an ageing, old man opposed to the young, revitalised swans. He laments the loss of his playful energy which he sees in the abundance of love and vitality in the swans. In â€Å"Leda and the Swan†, Yeats conveys the political dichotomy of the Irish nationalistic struggle against the opposing British suppression; exemplified by the swan’s advances towards the vulnerable Leda. Yeats presents the key conflict of ageing through exploring his own life in decline compared to the spiritual transcendence of the swans in â€Å"Wild Swans at Coole†. Yeats wrote this poem in October 1916 after his latest rejection by Maud Gonne, following the death of her husband, John MacBride, in the Easter Rebellion. Yeats therefore reflects on the inertia of his own life, while regathering himself at Lady Gregory’s Coole Park estate. While revolving around the idea that sexual fulfilment with Maud has been lost. Yeats retains the last of his romantic preoccupations in perceiving a spiritual element through the natural world, where nature is reflective of youth and beauty. The main way this is conveyed is through the swans, symbolising youth, vitality and freedom, the conflicting position to Yeats’s personal state. Yeats conveys this through a reflective, sorrowful tone, as h... ...he spiritual element of life, discovered through the natural world with â€Å"Wild Swans at Coole†, and history with â€Å"Leda and the Swan†. Works Cited 1. Bogan, L., 1938, â€Å"William Butler Yeats†, The Atlantic Monthly, May 1938, accessed 8 June 2012, 2. Holstad, S., n.d., "Yeats's 'Leda and the Swan’: Psycho-Sexual Therapy in Action", California State University, accessed 8 June 2012, 3. â€Å"Modernist Poetry 2: W. B. Yeats†, lecture by Dr. Aaron Kelly, 20th April 2004, from the green booklet â€Å"Module B: The Critical Study of Texts: William Butler Yeats†. 4. Morrison, A., 1998, â€Å"Theories of Post-Coloniality: Edward W. Said and W.B. Yeats", The Imperial Archive Project, accessed 9 June 2012,
Saturday, August 17, 2019
Discrimination and Stereotyping
Prejudice, stereotype and discrimination are merely against for anyone for any reasons as they were defined(Rand, Sowell, & Epstein, 2007). Prejudice, a feeling based not a belief based, is referred to as unconstructive judgment or opinion figured out lacking familiarity and knowledge on facts. It is only a feeling based on assumptions without considering any prior facts about the group being prejudge. Prejudice is often based on stereotype. One great cause of prejudice is the differences on skills, talents, beliefs and experience even though sometimes these differences benefit us.For an instance, on social classes, we feel wealthy classes are said to be superior to any other classes in society. Stereotype is referred to conventional opinion as any mental image of social group regardless of individual differences. At some point, stereotype can also be seen in positive outlook, for an instance the stereotype for Asian Americans being good in the field of Mathematics. Stereotype is som etimes the foundation of prejudice. Discrimination being known to as prejudice in action, it referred to as the unlikely treatment for other people in terms of race, culture or religion.An example is the discrimination on African Americans due to their color, treating them unequally from the White Americans(Educators, 2006). Prejudice, stereotype and discriminations have some negative impacts on the society as they may are said to be harmful behaviors. It may lead to limitations of opportunities for people who said to be of lesser standard than others (Phone, 2007). The limitations may be of many cases like in popularity, achieving no equal rights to gain popularity. In employment and promotion, only those think and believe to be capable of the job were brought in to employment and get promoted.In having rights and power, like the black who does not have equal privileges as white ones. The Scenerio Prejudice, stereotype and discrimination on the scenario or case of Elizabeth who is a second-grade school teacher is exemplified. There exists discrimination when he only praises Walt than Ricky, just because Ricky comes from a lower class society and on the other hand Walt from middle class, Elizabeth provides not equal treatment as should praise both of them when answers correctly and should giving a helping hand for both of the students whenever they commit mistake which was merely opposite to the scenario.The action done by Elizabeth is the harmful behavior of discrimination. She shows no favorable response for Ricky being in the lower class. Stereotypically speaking, the scenario shows stereotype behavior because Elizabeth believes that Walt has greater knowledge the Ricky. Elizabeth may be in doubt of Ricky’s intelligence that is why she does have not significant time praising him and helping him and not giving equal chances for both students to show what they have got..And also the prejudice behavior relates with stereotype, while Elizabeth believes n ot for Ricky’s capabilities, she does a pre judgment that maybe Ricky will took hard time to cope up even though it is only his opinion. And that opinion may lead to hasty generalization or wrong generalization. The scenario or case being tackled is only one of those situations that involve prejudice, stereotype and discrimination. The case may affect both students, Walt and Ricky, but in opposite and much different manner. For Walt, it may be a positive effect on him for instance that he may live a world with praises which can help him develop self esteem.On the other hand, Ricky might suffer fear of interacting with other people of different class with him. He may become a victim of limitations from opportunities as one of the main result of prejudice, stereotype and discrimination. He might also lose his privilege and freedom to learn and also his right as a child to new more about his world and surroundings. Implicit Association Test In connection with prejudice, stereoty pe and discrimination, I took the Implicit Association Test. This test shows whether I had hidden biases towards different people. In the IAT, I took the Weapons (‘Weapons – Harmless Objects' IAT) .An IAT which require the ability to recognize White and Black faces and associate them with images of weapons or harmless objects. The result of my test was your data suggest a slight association of Black Americans with Weapons compared to White Americans (corp. , 2007). The result dictates that I slightly relate harmful objects with Black Americans which I think not necessary true to myself. Maybe the pressure of doing the test with time limit also affects the result because of my eagerness to finish the test. I don’t consider Black Americans as harmful people and so I assume that the research tool was not accurate.The Implicit Association test is I can say a not reliable or accurate tool to be used. Many things could affect the result, it can be affected by being rig ht handed or left handed either. The key we are able to press most likely just conform to our most used hand or finger. Another one was the pressure on time, where it is also stated there that we just need to press the right key in a short time. Even though as I have said not accurate tool to used, It is only matters for the reason the it is an interesting and enjoying tool for us to know about our hidden biases on different races, culture or religion. Reference: corp., I. (2007). You have completed the Race – Weapons IAT. [Electronic Version]. Retrieved June 29, 2007 from Educators. (2006). Dealing with Stereotyping, Prejudice, Discrimination, and Scapegoating [Electronic Version]. Retrieved June 29, 2007 from Phone, K. H. (2007). Violence/Abuse [Electronic Version]. Retrieved June 29, 2007 from Rand, A., Sowell, T., & Epstein, R. (2007). Ethnic Prejudice, Stereotypes, Discrimination, and the Free Market [Electronic Version]. Retrieved June 29, 2007 from Â
Friday, August 16, 2019
Chance vs. Fate Essay
Do you ever tried to think, what if chance and fate face a fight? Who do you think would be the winner? And who do you think would be the looser? If one people began to fight his chance and his fate,. Who do you think would make him feel happier? Is it the chance who gave him chance, or is it fate that decide his life. Maybe most of you think that chance would be the obvious winner, for more people is now wanted to take a chance than fate. But how ever what if I told you that fate is stronger than chance? What if I tell you that if you need to choose a choice between chance and fate,. I must tell you that fate is the better choice than chance. That fate can assure you that you’ll never regret for choosing it than chance. For fate must knew the Rightful one than chance. How? Because I had a very interesting story about chance and hope. That made me realized what’s The best choice for me. And this is just happened to me a month ago before December enter the year. Since birth I have a childhood friend that became part of my life. Each and every day we are together. Those days are just passing by and our relationship as friends became more deeper and deeper that I came to the point I fall in love with him secretly. But instead of telling it into him, I decided to not mention my feelings anymore for our friendship has been gone through the years. And I don’t want to ruin that friendship. But fate never gives a consideration, into me. My parents decided to continue my high school at manila, together with my sister. And when my last day in our province came, I let him knew that I was leaving. That time I wanted to tell him the truth. I have the chance but I let it go. I never succeeded telling into him that I really love him. After that event I really hate fate for deciding what for my life. I do really hate it for I was such in a poor condition that time. But two years had passed. No communication for the last two years. And when I spent m y semestrial break in our province after two years, I really did see the things change. When I came back home I saw him. And flashback remains into my head. But instead of smiling into him, I pretend not to see anyone. until he said to me that he was fallen in love with me. But as hearing the soft words he had spoken I cant really imagined that all the old feelings of yesterday is now coming back faster. But of course, I remembered he was my friend. And I like him too. But what the heck? After some month I rejected him even though I loved him. And that he quits on asking. After some month December came a number texted me and ask who it was. But I was shocked It was my classmate since I’m in grade six. If I remembered nothing go right with our relationship as classmate. He was my first crush during my elementary days, I remember how he always make me cry during the time. I remember how he spoke word into me in front of everybody else. I remember it all. We never had the time to speak even a little single word without fighting with each other. Until graduation we never had. And now his here and te lling me if he have the chance. Normally, I won’t forgive him for the past few years for what he has done. I don’t want to forgive him but my heart likes to. And I can’t even understand of all this years, why is the feeling of long old love was coming back again? But then time gives me chance to think of. And I really found out what it has to be. That my classmate is my real one true love for that I have realized that: On our situation of my best friend, we have the very big chance but fate decide. And give me the real answer. And time gave me realization to know what is meant to be. Name: Mariflor B. Villanueva Essay no: 4 Date: December 6 2012 â€Å"My Ambition†I was young when I tell many of my ambition in life. One I must tell, I wanted to be a teacher because, I wanted to wrote on the board and make my student copy what I write. I also told my mom that I wanted to become a scientist someday because I wanted to be famous and known as a knowledgeable person. Some days, I shouted I wanted to become a business woman it because, I wanted to hold money. I wanted to be a house designer because I wanted to create my own house. I wanted to become a fashion designer it because, I want to make some gowns and wedding dress. So many to mention when I was kid. Too many ambition and many reasons why I wanted to be something like that. Imagine. When I was kid I have many dreams and ambition having some many reasons to tell. I am a dreamer girl when I was kid. But now how, I wonder so many things. I questioned all what I have said during my days of childhood. I don’t want to be a teacher because what I heard nowadays is just: â€Å"just take education, you don’t have enough knowledge†what they mean is that teachers nowadays is just not that famous now. I don’t wish to be scientist for I already know, I can’t be a knowledgeable person. I will never take the path of being a business woman because I don’t know math at all. I will never wish to be a house designer for I am no good at sketching a house. And most. I never imagined myself being a fashion designer for that I donâ €™t wanted anymore to take that job for I believe it wasn’t my future. I have nothing now. I have nothing now to say what I wanted to be in the near future. I can’t just imagined myself of a perfect ambition. All my dreams in my childhood days fade away and if I’m a dreamer in my childhood days, now I feel I am now so useless of the community to think what I wanted. I don’t feel like I belong to any course I have think. Now I am just a little girl without a dream for her future. Until I accidentally broke a glass. I saw the glass shinning when it is in the sun. I imagined it as a diamond sparkling. And the idea came to my mind. How about if, I try to make it a jewellery? Like necklace? It is nice to have an own sketched necklace right? So I took the broken glass I search some metals that can be fold, and an old rope of necklace. I took some help with my uncle for chaining the pattern I did. And he well made it very nice. At the end, I was so happy it was my own crafted jewellery. Starting that day, I decided to be a jewellery designer. Not because I am inspired doing some Jewellery, or just I wanted to be famous in e veryone, but now†¦ I suddenly realized how to have a good ambition and reason. My reason that, I wanted to became a jewellery designer someday not because of anything but I do want to become jewellery designer because, I want someday to see people wearing my designs around their neck, their arms, their finger, and such many else. I wanted to become a merely jewellery designer to see how people love my designs. That was my ambition and my reasons for why I liked to become what I am dreaming now. Name: Najeeb A. Imam Essay no: 3 Date: December 6 2012 â€Å"To be the Highest†When I was young, I said to myself that I wanted to be having the highest position. Highest that No one will reach me as I am. And that I thought that to be the highest I must need to be the President of this country. To rule anyone, to make this country more successful more than any Other country. But I was wrong knowing out that to be a president you’re not consider as a high Person. I realized inside myself. So I change what I wanted. And now, I said to be the highest I need to be a successful doctor. Because doctor saves life. Doctor saves many lives of human. Without a doctor everyone will be sick and there will be more people dying. But realizing to be A doctor is not the path in a way to be the highest. But what I had realize this pass few years that To be one of the highest person, you don’t need to be a president, doctor, scientist, engineer or What so ever. Because I realized, to be the highest person, you must have to be a teacher for everyone. In order To be a successful man, I need to be a teacher. Because teacher is the highest position all this Time. Why teacher? Maybe you’re wondering my teacher? Well it because, without a teacher, There will no presidents, no engineer, no scientist, no doctor, and no one. Because to be in one Great position, you would first need to learn something. To have a knowledge in order to be a Successful man. All o the knowledge of the workers now, is well made by a great teacher. A Great teacher that lead them to the right path. A nice teacher that teach everything in to her/his Student. That is why, I decided to be someday, I wanted to be a teacher. Not just an ordinary teacher but I wanted to be the teacher of everyone. Who will teach, and lead everyone in the right path. I I wanted to be a teacher it because for me teacher is the best. For me no one would ever compare The value of a teacher to the value of other. For teacher, knows the best, teacher lead the way, a teacher who’s gonna lead her/his student in The right path. A teacher that everybody loves. And if someday I will be a successful teacher I promised that I will teach the value of a teacher. Name: Najeeb A. Imam Essay no: 4 Date: December 6 2012 â€Å"To write†If you wanted to write a something, a poem, a paragraph, or an essay, how did you write freely? Do you usually, express you’re feeling at what you are writing? Or do you just write too Generally? If you will ask me how I write or how I wrote just like this, I would tell you that just write what You feel, and write like youâ⠂¬â„¢re just sharing. Don’t be so afraid if you will commit a mistake Don’t be shy for its everybody face mistake. If you wanted to write nicely that you want to show The world what have written don’t be so afraid. Because it is not in grammar, or penmanship, Can test how really good you are in writing or expressing idea. It is not tested by how you wrote Long, or how many incredible word do you know, but definitely it is not tested on how you’ve Written a thousand words. To test that you are good in writing, is not based on how you wrote your essay, your poem, your Paragraph. But the real question here is that†¦ How many people have been interested to read what you have written? How many of them Appreciate it? How many of them did tell you you’re writing is amazing. The question is how Many readers did you gain when you shared you’re essay? Are they are few? Or they are just as Many? Because in writing essay, a thousand word is not the point. A beautiful penmanship is not the Requirements here. But it is the one that commonly tested here is by how you’re e ssay your Poem, your paragraph, inspired other? Essay is tested by which you write the importance of your Topic. Essay depend in what is its components and substance. An essay, depends to what larger Meaning you have according to the topic. An essay depends to what it its substance. If it has a good meaning, or it just an essay that have nonsense things. If I am about to ask you, What contains your essay? Are you that willing to say that you’re essay is nice and meaningful? Or you will just crumpled it because you didn’t write at all instead you just earn some thousand Word that has no meaning at all. My dearest reader, of this essay that I wrote, I hope you all get what’s my point in here. I hope That you get what I said and what I had taught you. That a real essay don’t contain million words Or beautiful penmanship, but a real essay is one of the great things, that no matter how short Your essay is†¦ if you have the most meaningful one then don’t be shy. For once again, essay is not to earn a million words but essay is for the a better meaning that Insp ire other to write some. Name: Kins Jonas Go Essay no: Date: December 6 2012 â€Å"Cellphone†As our worlds began to change to be a modern one, many have change. So many things that help Us through our daily living, electricity, transportation, and technology. It is good to think we are Now totally modern. That through the years we all now have the change. And one proof of it is the cell phone we use. Don’t you think the maker of cell phones is clever? Because in some other way, he/she used to invented a very interesting one. A very useful one to Us. Because without this technology maybe we are having hardships through communication. If there were no phones, can you imagine life? Well I think no right? Because our modern world Now is, full of phones. Everywhere you can see it. And maybe half of our population now is Having a phones now. Can you imagine how important phones are? Can you imagine how they are important to people Now? Students! For students like me, it is important because I used to used phones from my Daily living. Because the benefits that it gives me is very helpful to me. Very helpful that you Can call if there is emer gency. You can take communication when you miss your mom or your Dad when they are far away. Using cell phones you don’t worry that much with communication. So it is. Indeed phones are useful but in any other way it was harmful. Why? It because some User of phones use phones in a harmful one. They used phones for blackmails for someone, they Used phones to bully someone, they used phones to harm someone. The phones are not just safe. Because in any other way, it has a harmful effects that affect Everyone. When the phone made the user addicted so much, some possibilities may occur that a students Who use phones will destroy his path in studies. That was a negative effect to a students. Someytimes or somehow I wanted to warn everyone that one thing has a limitation. It couldn’t Be good forever. Like phones. Phones brings harmful and useful effect into us. Name: Kins Jonas Go Essay no: 4 Date: December 6 2012 â€Å"A diary†What is a diary? Did you ever tried to write one? How was the feeling of keeping a diary? Did you use to let everyone read it? Or do yo u just kept it secretly. A diary is something that a holds to the memories you write each and every day. A diary that Holds so many secret beyond loves, llife, and many more. A diary is something that you write Late at night. A diary is something that holds half personality of someone. And I ever tried to read one. I have already read the diary of Anne Marie Frank. A teen ager girl Who is a Jew. Do you know that at the very young age, Anne use to write diary, a diary that Touches the heart of the readers. A diary that inspired other to write one. As I open and read her diary, I thought she only wrote what’s happening into her daily Life. But I was wrong finding it. Because what she had written is that the memories, of Daily events of her life. That somehow, in her life, and at the very young age, she did to kept A very interesting diary. That how I wished someday, I could just write a diary that inspire others. And if I ever Gonna start to write a diary, I would definitely write the memories I can keep forever. That I can keep until I grew old. That someday when I wrote one I swear that I can inspire everyone Who reads it. That may will listed me to the famous journalist who had left a diaries. And in order to be one of them, starting today, I will never be†¦ afraid to have wrong grammar For that I believe that everybody commits mistake like I do. And isn’t it were you commit Mistake there you gain a little correction? That you’ll learn. And I suddenly realized too that To kept a diary burdens sometimes the problems you feel deep inside. That when you don’t have A friend to be trust you just can’t help but to wrote what you have feel deep inside. That how ever you can assure the you’re secret is safe right?
Thursday, August 15, 2019
Boyz in the Hood and Black Freedom Fighters
Unite is a common word the comes to mind when debating the themes of Boyz in the Hood written by John Singleton and Black Freedom Fighters in Steel by Ruth Needleman. Boyz in the Hood is a film that follows the lives of a group of young African Americans living in South Central Los Angeles, California. Each main character faces some common struggle modern day children and teens face today. Their fate relies on what they decide to do about their common struggle. In Black Freedom Fighters in Steel, you glimpse into the lives of five men connected by one aspect of their lives.They also must do something in order to survive as blue collar workers during the 20th century. Both these works have one common theme if not more, these boys and these men had to unite together in close friendship and within a union. Boyz in the Hood follows one particular group in South Central Los Angeles. Trey Styles along with his friends Ricky, Doughboy, and others all grew up in the same neighborhood living with various struggles, some in common. Trey moved to live with his dad at the age of 10, Ricky and Doughboy, half-brothers, lived across the street from him in a single parent household.Ricky was raised on the hope and spirit of his mother to be a football star. His brother Doughboy was not given the same hope and dreams from his mother. Trey was raised differently than his friends because he was being raised by a respectable male, Furious Styles. Furious helped prepare Trey for what the future may have in store for him, especially when living in the so called, â€Å"ghetto. †Although these characters were raised differently they still found strength in numbers, and stuck close together at a very young age.One example is when they are walking down the tracks and Ricky gets his football hustled from him. Doughboy tries to stick up for his brother even though he fails. They all stood together during that scene when they could have easily been killed by these older guys. Darre n, known as Doughboy, grows up deciding to become a part of a street gang, or group. Instead of avoiding the temptation of violence and the dangers of the lifestyle, he becomes sucked right into it. Although not a positive decision, in reality to some it feels like the only choice. The need for protection is essential to survive.By joining groups, people in various neighborhoods across America, find often false sanctuary and more violence. Darren kept close ties with his friends. They united when it came to protecting themselves from other various groups. One incident would be when all the teens had their cars parked up and down the street and another group walks by and knocks Ricky. When Ricky begins confrontation with the other groups, they all join in. Another incident is when Ricky is shot; although they weren't all there when it happened, Darren and his friends all felt a need to avenge Ricky's death, collectively.Trey was raised in a very strict and wise household. His mother was a well off business woman who took care of herself and her son until he reached a stage in his life where he was angry. Furious his father took Trey in and taught him specific values and self-discipline. With these values Trey made decisions opposite of a lot of his friends. He took a more optimistic route about living where he lived. He was aware of what goes on but he never involved himself in it. Trey who was close to his friends didn't completely comply with them.Ricky and Trey both had the most chances of leaving their town or living past age 25. While Darren and their other friends involved themselves in gang related activities, Trey and Ricky both avoided it. Still because they had all been friends for so long they still stuck together. When Ricky was shot and killed by another group, they all collectively went after that group. Specifically Trey joined them with this activity because he felt strongly about the issue at hand. He had lost his best friend and Darren had los t his brother.Although Trey didn't fully commit to the retaliation, he stuck by Darren’s side and comforted his friend. In Black Freedom Fighters in Steel five men are profiled explaining the struggles around working in Steel and within the union. In the beginning we hear about George Kimbley, who signed up for Steelworker's Organizing Committee as the first African-American. In order for African-Americans to face their struggles of poor working conditions, poor pay, and lack of job opportunities, they had to connect with the majority.George Kimbley knew that in order to be in the union and make somewhat of a difference, you would have to get people to trust you. What Kimbley means is that white men within the union have to become use to you and learn that their misconceptions are wrong. Many African Americans felt they did not belong within the union because they would be harassed and discriminated against just like they would on the mill floor. Kimbley was one the many that went out and persuaded black steelworkers to join the union, SWOC.He knew that in order to seek change they must become a part of something bigger. A separate committee for Blacks seemed unreasonable at the specific time. Kimbley felt that in order to meet the goals long term we must first integrate with others so they feel less threatened when requesting solutions. When struggling alongside people opposite than themselves, African-Americans felt a stronger need to cope with feelings that came along with integration and discrimination. Many residents within small African American communities in Gary, Indiana kept close ties.They all went to the same church, their kids attended same schools, and they went to the same bars and kept in touch. They had a strong sense of community amongst themselves. Many men played cards together, such as George Kimbley and Jesse Reese. These men knew the importance of joining the union in order to receive if not equal better working conditions. They n etworked, one man would sign a friend up, and then his friend would sign up someone else. Networking, educating and discussing were various ways to get the community pro-union.One specific example is how the amount of SWOC cards that came in signed by black workers stunned white SWOC participants. This proves that networking was working. Women also played a role in using their community to discuss issues such as organizing. Chain recruiting was widely used. This was used for example by an organizer. He and his wife would throw a dinner party and discuss various issues. By engaging in conversation they could relate on different complaints the other couples may have and convince them to join the union and inform others.By passing on information about the union the African-American demographic within the steel companies and union were more likely to increase. More membership in the union would allow more chances of bargaining and promotions for minorities. Another example of uniting in Black Freedom Fighters in Steel is through the smaller committees that formed within the union. Many people such as, George Kimbley, felt that this would hinder the positive movement for African-American workers within the union. Others were tired of waiting for change.They organized themselves within the union into committees such as the Eureka Club, established in 1952 by Curtis Strong, Arthur Adams, and Sylvester Palmer. (p 84) Curtis Strong worked in one of the dirtiest yet most important part of the mill. He explains that the coke plant was an essential step in steel production. If he and others shut down their department then they could shut down the whole mill. This was a very strategic plan in order to get the foreman and department heads to listen. One example is when Strong took a stand against a practice the company used when hiring new workers into the plant.If the coke plant needed a maintenance worker or apprentice, they would use Virginia Street Hiring. The company w ould send â€Å"appropriate†workers, meaning white, for the specific jobs. Many current black employees were overlooked due to this practice. When Strong requested that coke plant workers be allowed to apply for apprenticeships and was denied, a wildcat strike broke out. Soon after Coke plant workers were able to bid on apprenticeships and better jobs. This was more than what the Steelworker's Organizing Committee had done for job bidding.Instead of turning to the bigger union, they used their small collective to make a difference for specifically African-American steelworkers. Both these works demonstrate a theme that shows collectiveness. In order to be strong, certain people must ban together, which has happened in history so often when it comes to people facing common struggles. Later on in Black Freedom Fighters in Steel they discuss how things have changed, beginning in the 1980's. Many people have become too satisfied and have stopped fighting for more. I believe this can play into the themes of both the book and Boyz in the Hood.Briefly, today the world around us has everyone convinced that things can't get any better than this, but can they? When it comes to employment there is only so far we can go, but what about our communities? In the film you see a community that has been ignored. By being neglected from society, things may become worse. Young teen’s today struggle with constant violence and retaliation. Poverty is proven to cause an increase in violence. By ignoring cities and allowing children to suffer academically we are throwing them into violence. This is also discussed in the book.Gary, Indiana which has been dismantled ever since the steel industry took a backseat. Many people living within the community lost their jobs, which affected the cities revenue. Schools are in poor condition which can be true for South Central Los Angeles also. Schools have a strong influence when it comes to discipline and respect. When we allow schools to deteriorate we lose those values within the curriculum. Few, but not all African-American's have motivation to fight poverty. In time we may see this minority unionize again to better their communities in society.Boyz in the Hood and Black Freedom Fighters in Steel seemed quite opposite to one another besides the involvement of African-American characters. After reading more into the book, the theme becomes apparent and can also be applied to the film. That theme being that in order to better life people must organize and come together, whether for good or bad. Boyz in the Hood has also had a place in my heart as a great film, but now I can respect it more after putting it in a new light. As for the book, I haven't been interested in Unions, but I did enjoy the stories the five characters brought to it.
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