Sunday, January 26, 2020
Introduction to Crime and Punishment
Introduction to Crime and Punishment Theories were developed to help to explain and understand certain events, behaviors and/or situations. Over the years, sociologists have created these theories in hopes of explaining why things happen in society. For instance, social conflict theories try to explain why society creates conflict due to inequalities that are present in everyday life. In Karl Marx and Engels, economic determinism, economic activity shapes and defines all political, cultural, social and technological aspects of society. It proposes that laws and norms are made in the interest of powerful members of society. This conflict theory proposes three propositions. The first proposition explains that the more inequality the more conflict. The second explains that those who receive less needed resources question the legitimacy of social order, and the third proposition says that those who are getting fewer resources will organize and expose conflict to the public. Marx and Engel saw that unjust exploitation of one social class and social solidarity could be regained if we overthrown capitalism. In the interactional theory, developed by Terrence Thornberry, suggests that delinquent behavior is a result of a relationship between an individual, peer groups, social structures, weakened bonds and learning environment. This theory is broken into three different stages in a life course. The first stage is delinquent behaviors are developed during childhood, primarily because of a dysfunctional family, school failure and association with delinquent peers. The second stage is during mid-adolescence where they are no longer influenced by family, but their peers. The third stage is during adulthood where their delinquent behaviors are shaped by their place in society and his or her own family. According to Durkheim, Punishment is an expression of social solidarity. He believed that punishment serves positive functions in society. There are three parties that help enact punishment. The controller is the person that administers the act, the controlled is the person being punished, the one who committed the crime, and the onlookers which is the general public. Durkheim saw punishment as a moral education. Punishment is an essential part of moral order in society and it helps limit the spread of deviance and disobedience. The two theories that I found interesting were Marx and Engels economic determinism and Durkheims punishment as a moral education. I agree with Marxs idea of the inequality of power in society and how it influences deviant behavior among people who cant get the resources that they need in society. When an individual seem to not have the resources, they go about getting it another way. This relates back to Robert Mertons strain theory that focused on the emphasis of the American Dream. Those who cant obtain it, find other ways, such as stealing or selling drugs. The conflict theory explains that inequality causes more conflict. Those who receive less needed resources would organize and come forth to open it up to the public. Capitalism is considered the root of conflict because it is taken to be the source of unjust inequality. I agree that we should overthrow capitalism and form a just social solidarity, like communism, as Marx and Engel suggests. This way everyone is on the same lev el of social class and has the opportunity of receiving the same resources needed in society. In Durkheims, punishment as a moral education, I agree that punishment is essential for social order. For most children, when they are born they are taught morally right from wrong, such things like, stealing, lying or fighting. This is reinforced with punishment that can range from time-outs to physical beatings. As a result it ensures that whenever the child has an urge to do something wrong, they know the consequences. Personally, for as long as I can remember I have always been reprimanded by my parents whenever I did something I knew I wasnt suppose to. So as a result at any time I felt like misbehaving I would avoid it so that I wouldnt get punished for it. The same idea relates to when an individual thinks about committing a crime, they know that punishment will be a result of that. Like many other theories they arent concrete. They are developed to make sense of why and how certain things happen in society, but there are some criticisms that can be made about them. Durkheim says that punishment is a positive function in society. It reinforces social solidarity and strengthen common values. Although I agree, I question whether he believes punishment of criminals has more of a positive function than reforming criminals? I do believe that some criminals deserve to punished for their actions, but I also believe that developing systems or policies where we can help an individual, that has committed crime, become a better person in society. There are circumstances where an individual had to commit a crime not because they wanted to but because they had to. For instance, a mother that is struggling to make ends meet for herself and her family, steals food from the grocery store because she has no money. In a technical sense she has committed a crime of stealing, but I m sure if she had the money she wouldnt steal. Instead of punishing her by putting her into a correctional institution, why not help her find a job where she can have steady income. This way she is able to provide for her family and we dont have to separate her from her kids.
Saturday, January 18, 2020
Stream of consciousness for Frankenstein’s monster
One heart, was adequately strong to withstand the pain, the pressure, the grief. Inside hatred, vengeance, and long nights with only me, a candle and a bottle of wine. Alone again, you and l. Edited the way you enshrouded my companion, under your white sheets, as if she never lived. She was alive- until that cruel and ruthless Elizabeth destroyed her, without humanity. So I wasn't able to take this, It was too much! I roared, I raged, with all my might Then I got my renewable Revenge! Revenge! Renewable Hal Hal Hal Selfish!Selflessness's You didn't think about me, did you? You left me, without asking what I thought about it. You didn't ask me if I would be alright without you. You won't understand, how I felt. Would you? The years I bore the anguish, the years I ‘eve suffered pain, I was helpless, hopeless, I felt the shame. All I wanted was a companion, love and comfort, that's all. Then, I would have left you alone -Oh years ago, of course, I would have went to the wilderness , and many other places, to explore the world. And I am not alright. I'm hurt. I am wounded, the people see me and they run away reified.In horror, in disgust. When I try to talk to them, they betray me. My heart cries out In sorrow and agonizing pain. How easy It would be to let me take It. To close my eyes, to give up. It Is enough! I have had ENOUGH I'm sorry, I ‘II have to die, Fraternities. Alone again, you and l. ‘hated the way you enshrouded my companion, under your it was too much! Then I got my rearrange! Revenge! Revenge!
Friday, January 10, 2020
123 Custom Essay Writing Samples at a Glance
123 Custom Essay Writing Samples at a Glance There are a variety of ways to categorize nursing theories. Essay writing skills is a hard and time-consuming endeavor. Our scholars offer essay examples and samples for the better comprehension of our clients. You might not be happy with any component of the essay help materials delivered by us. Custom made assignments are readily available to order at any instance of the evening or day. Try to discover a website that provides good deals and offers in place of rock-bottom rates. A reputable writing service would always give you a whole roster of their available contractors, you simply have to select. Our customer service personnel are online 24 hours per day, seven days every week. Let's look at a few these questions. In the event you've got work which you would like posted on the website, contact me about submission. In case you've got work that you would like posted on the site, contact me about submission. It's potential to understand on the job. How to Get Started with 123 Custom Essay Writing Samples? Avail our custom made essay help services if you're struggling with your essay assignments. An essay is deemed incomplete without a suitable referencing list. If you cannot compose this kind of essay all on your own, utilize our application essay writing service. Writing a superior essay is never a simple job. It is not simple to provide your essay to the invisible writer, especially whenever there are lots of stereotypes about online writing. It's critical that the service you select knows for sure they're only choosing the very best essay writers. You are also able to view sample essay papers looking for inspiration as they're written in catching and informative method. How can do rolling admissions in the event you will get an mfa in creative essay, ma. Be Sincere It is understandable your admissions essay cannot contain false info. If you purchase an admission essay from our site, you will get a profound paper worth the paid money. An application essay and other academic papers should get an outline. Finding the Best Custom Essay Writing Samples Weekly Essay is an academic services company that makes high-quality papers at cheap rates for students the same as you. Our writing service gives you reasonable rates for the top quality of services it provides. When you opt to purchase a paper from writing services, it can be difficult to obtain an organization with a balanced price-quality policy. Simply speaking, unless the business is extremely busy handling customer queries, you ought to be in a position to acquire through and find the help you're searching for. Some facilities have many units depending on the circumstances and needs of the community. Get ready to work hard or turn to our professional services that will help you just once you require it the most. What Is So Fascinating About 123 Custom Essay Writing Samples? So, everything that's left now is to put your order and offer our institution's writer with detailed paper requirements. No matter the way you're going to create your bit of writing in is, think about employing the outline presented below. Read my essay writing service reviews and my guide to selecting the very best service for everything you want to understand about how to pick the best writing businesses. Our certified writers that are hired for providing all kinds of custom essay writing related support prepare solutions for our clients. The certification supplied by this board is known as CCRN. We're well-known for providing top excellent essay help materials. After you start to look for a web-based custom writing company that will be able to help you with writing, you will encounter many Internet companies eager to give a bit of writing for you. This work focuses on how best to make and structure such writing project. While producing your bit of writing, is critical to fulfill the provided specifications. You could also search for a format to fulfill the way you live.
Thursday, January 2, 2020
The Mental State Examination ( Mmse ) - 833 Words
The Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE) is a widely used and evaluates orientation to person, place, and time; general knowledge; memory; communication; and copying. It takes five to ten minutes to administer. The total possible score is thirty. The MMSE also provides population-based norms by age and education level. Most clinicians consider a score less than twenty-four as indicative of dementia. The best measures for screening for mild cognitive impairment and for dementia are tests of episodic memory. Examples of tests routinely used to measure a patient s ability to learn and recall information after a delay include tests that involve story retelling, word learning, and verbal fluency. The Arizona Battery for Communication Disorders of Dementia (ABCD) is the most commonly used instrument. The following are the constructs and subtests. The first construct is linguistic comprehension. The subtests include following commands, comparative questions, repetition, and reading compr ehension. The second construct is linguistic expression. The subtests include object description, generative naming, confrontation naming, and concept definition. The third construct is verbal memory. The subtests include story retelling (immediate), story retelling (delayed), and word learning. The fourth construct is visuospatial skill. The subtests include generative drawing and figure copying. The fifth construct and subtest is mental status. If a person is in the later stages ofShow MoreRelatedRapidly Progressive Alzheimers Disease: A Case Study1333 Words  | 5 Pagesï » ¿Rapidly Progressive Alzheimers Disease: A Case Study Abstract We present the case of a male (JR) who initially presented with mild psychosis, memory problems, uncharacteristic apathy, persistent depressive state, and family reports of occasional agitation at the age of 69. 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