Thursday, January 2, 2020
The Mental State Examination ( Mmse ) - 833 Words
The Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE) is a widely used and evaluates orientation to person, place, and time; general knowledge; memory; communication; and copying. It takes five to ten minutes to administer. The total possible score is thirty. The MMSE also provides population-based norms by age and education level. Most clinicians consider a score less than twenty-four as indicative of dementia. The best measures for screening for mild cognitive impairment and for dementia are tests of episodic memory. Examples of tests routinely used to measure a patient s ability to learn and recall information after a delay include tests that involve story retelling, word learning, and verbal fluency. The Arizona Battery for Communication Disorders of Dementia (ABCD) is the most commonly used instrument. The following are the constructs and subtests. The first construct is linguistic comprehension. The subtests include following commands, comparative questions, repetition, and reading compr ehension. The second construct is linguistic expression. The subtests include object description, generative naming, confrontation naming, and concept definition. The third construct is verbal memory. The subtests include story retelling (immediate), story retelling (delayed), and word learning. The fourth construct is visuospatial skill. The subtests include generative drawing and figure copying. The fifth construct and subtest is mental status. If a person is in the later stages ofShow MoreRelatedRapidly Progressive Alzheimers Disease: A Case Study1333 Words  | 5 Pagesï » ¿Rapidly Progressive Alzheimers Disease: A Case Study Abstract We present the case of a male (JR) who initially presented with mild psychosis, memory problems, uncharacteristic apathy, persistent depressive state, and family reports of occasional agitation at the age of 69. 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